Loading Your Handbook


Version 1 (January 2024)

This is a living document and will be updated frequently


Message from the Pastor

Throughout Biblical history, the people sought God’s Divine Will for guidance, direction and wisdom. The people of  God knew that without God’s divine guidance we would not be privileged to God’s standards that discipline our  lives. 

King Solomon thoroughly understood this principle. Solomon was overwhelmed with the responsibility of leading a  nation too numerous to count. The scriptures declare that he gathered all his personal staff, military officers and  supporting personnel and assembled them in front of the temple where God’s presence dwelt. There he called on  the name of the Lord to lead him in this great endeavor. 

God was so impressed with Solomon’s heart that God visited him that evening. God asked him what his desires  were. In 2 Chronicles 1:8-10 (NLT), “Solomon replied to God, ‘You showed great and faithful love to David, my  father, and now you have made me king in his place. O Lord God, please continue to keep your promise to David, my father, for you have made me king over a people as numerous as the dust of the earth! Give me the wisdom and  knowledge to lead them properly, for who could possibly govern this great people of yours?’”  The same question is still being asked of God today, “for who could possibly govern this great people of yours?”  God gives us guidance necessary to govern and stay within the biblical boundaries of God’s will individually and  collectively as Queen's Chapel United Methodist Church. 

The same Divine guidance was sought in compiling these guidelines and policies. Without adopted courses of  action, clear boundaries and procedures, Queen’s Chapel will not experience the good, acceptable, and perfect will  of God for our church. 

The acceptance and willingness of our staff, officers, and members to follow these standard procedures will allow  us to maintain order for the sake of expediency and to govern ourselves accordingly.

In Support of God’s will.

In His Service,

The Reverend Doctor William E. Butler


The descriptions and definitions provided in this manual were compiled by the Q-Team, a team aligned under the Administrative Services Church in Action (CIA) team, in conjunction with the officers and members of the respective ministries and committees of Queen’s Chapel United Methodist Church (QCUMC or Queen’s Chapel). Names of ministries, committees and positions are referred to using their official UMC designation. 

This is a electronic manual and therefore will not be printed as a single bound document. However, pages or sections can be downloaded and printed, locally. This manual is maintained by a small team of church volunteers with state-of-the-art technology provided in an annual subscription from AirMason. Access to this manual is supported by the QCUMC website team in conjunction with the website contractor, Audio Assurance. This manual will be reviewed annually to ensure its accuracy prior to the Church Conference.

The complete manual is comprised of four volumes. This is Volume 1, the QCUMC Member Handbook. It includes information that a prospective member, new member or even an established member would want to know about our church. It addresses our mission and vision and describes the major ministries and administrative functions. This volume is a “public” document and can be viewed by anyone who has access to the QCUMC website.

Volume 2 is the QCUMC Policies and Procedures Handbook. That volume includes detailed processes, procedures and policies that govern the life of our church. Volume 2 is a “private” document. You must be a member of Queen's Chapel to access this volume. Members must send an email to qcuboard@gmail.com to request a username and password to log into and use Volume 2.

Volume 3 is a compilation of QCUMC Forms used by the ministries and administrative committees. Users can download these forms for use. Instructions on how to complete a form, if needed, will reside in Volume 2.

Volume 4 includes QCUMC References that members and leaders can use to perform their volunteer and/or paid activities.

In order to maintain consistency across the four volumes, the ministries, roles and activities have numerical assignments that are used throughout. (See the Section entitled "Ministry Structure.")

Recommendations and comments can be submitted in an email to qcuboard@gmail.com.


 Membership in a local United Methodist church includes all people who have been baptized and all people who have professed their faith.

 Baptized member is a person who has received the sacrament of baptism in a United Methodist church or has received Christian baptism in another denomination and later transferred to a United Methodist Church. When we call a person a baptized member, we are celebrating and emphasizing that God’s unconditional grace and love has been given to the person during the sacrament of baptism. The sacraments represent God’s action. A baptized member remains so over the course of his or her life, even after becoming a professing member.

Professing member is a baptized person who has taken membership vows declaring his/her Christian faith. One who also attends worship services and supports the ministries of Queen's Chapel through their presence, spiritual gifts and talents, tithes and offerings.

There are also other persons who are under the nurturing care of the local church. Persons who are not members, but for whom the local church has pastoral responsibility are considered Constituents. This includes: unbaptized children, youth, and adults who are not on the membership record, and others such as spouses of members and new residents in the community.

Records may also be maintained for Affiliate and Associate members. These persons are members of another United Methodist Church; but have aligned themselves with the local church for a temporary period of time. They are counted by their “home church” not the church they are temporarily affiliated with.


According to The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, persons who profess to be (or become) United Methodists make covenant to do the following:

  1. To renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of the world, and repent of their sin;
  2. To accept the freedom and power God gives them to resist evil, injustice, and oppression;
  3. To confess Jesus Christ as Savior, put their whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve him as their Lord;
  4. To remain faithful members of Christ’s holy church and serve as Christ’s representatives in the world;
  5. To be loyal to Christ through The United Methodist Church and do all in their power to strengthen its ministries;
  6. To faithfully participate in its ministries by their prayers, their presence, their gifts, their service, and their witness; and
  7. To receive and profess the Christian faith as contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

These vows are discussed in more detail in one of our regularly scheduled New Members classes.  You are always welcome to attend one of our services or programs, check out our website or call the church office to get more information on how to join our church.


Since 2022, the vision of Queen’s Chapel has been “Becoming Kingdom-Focused and Disciple-Strong” [Matthew 28:19-20]. Our mission statement is “to develop Kingdom-Minded disciples for the transformation of our congregation, community and the world through Gracious Hospitality, Praise & Worship, Biblical Faith Development, Outreach & Evangelism, and Faithful Generosity.”

We have seven values that guide our vision. They are: Integrity, Excellence, Passion, Creativity, Humility, Inclusivity and Commitment.


The year is 1868. With the end of the Civil War, a weary and embattled nation struggles to heal its divisions. Thrust into the middle of this turbulent time are four million black freedmen. Out of the bondage of slavery came a freedom filled with fragile dreams and empty promises. Our community of faith had its beginnings during these years of unrest.  

In 1868 for the sum of five dollars ($5.00), white landowners, William and Henrietta Minnix, agreed to sell three tenths of an acre of land to Thomas Queen, Thomas Matthews, Ferdinand Key, James Powell, Knotley Johnson, and Henry Edwards. The land contained a small cemetery where local black residents were buried.  On a gently sloping hill, where the bright orange blaze of the Muirkirk Furnace lit the sky, they erected a small log edifice which they named Queen Chapel after founder—Thomas V. Queen. The 1860 census records of 1860 indicate that Thomas Queen was a free black farmer, living in the immediate area surrounding the village of Muirkirk.  The deed for the small parcel of land was remitted to Thomas V. Queen, Muirkirk, Prince George’s County, March 9, 1868. By 1870, a log structure had been erected. Among the families residing in the community were Thomas and Samuel Matthews, Caleb and Elizabeth Briggs, Matilda and Nathan Brewer, Philip and Mary E. Williams, Augustus Ross, Melvin and Charlotte Lewis, Joseph and Priscilla Harrison, Luke Warner, Thomas and Lucy Snowden, and Israel and Henry Crump. These early residents, their children, and later their descendants were the nucleus for the Queen’s Chapel Church family.

Queen’s Chapel became part of the Bladensburg Circuit in the Potomac District within the Washington Conference, and The Reverend William H. Draper (1868-1871) was the first Pastor.  When The Reverend McHenry Jeremiah Naylor (1890-1893) became Pastor of Queen’s Chapel, plans were initiated to unite Queen’s Chapel and St. Mark’s in Laurel to form the Laurel Charge. During the tenure of The Reverend Acquilla W. Brooks (1895-1898), a third small black congregation—Mt. Zion—joined the Laurel Charge. It is from this pastor that we retain the oldest surviving records of the Laurel Charge. In this document, Reverend Brooks indicates that Queen’s Chapel had a membership of 100 in 1895. Among those listed as members of the Steward Board—class leaders, exhorters, stewards, and local preachers—are Joseph Conway, Melvin Lewis, John and Benjamin Snowden, and Knotley Johnson. In this historical record, Reverend Brooks also highlighted the programs in the life of the church during these formative years—class meetings, Sunday School, experience meetings, and church service. As Queen’s Chapel was on a three-point charge, worship services were held at 3:00 p.m. In 1899, the log cabin chapel was struck by lightning and destroyed. The task of rebuilding Queen’s Chapel began under the leadership of The Reverend Moses Lake (1899-1902). During the interim, services were held at Abraham Hall, located in the newly subdivided section of the community known as Rossville.

Charles Coffin, owner of the Muirkirk Furnace, and the community’s major employer, loans the church the funds to rebuild, and the cornerstone is laid in 1901 for the white frame edifice. Records indicate that Mr. Coffin loaned the church less than $2,000 and that the loan was repaid during the ministry of The Reverend Angold Brown (19081911) in 1909. In the ensuing years, Queen’s Chapel grows and makes improvements to the small frame chapel— stained glass windows, central heating, and choir rooms are added. 

The year is 1945. The Reverend Levi B. Miller, Jr. (1945-1950) is a young man when he arrives at his second appointment—Queen’s Chapel. The son of a Methodist minister, he follows his father’s footsteps as a minister in the all-black Washington Conference. His new congregation is amid discussions about building a new edifice or renovating the current structure. Surrounded by its cemetery, expansion is limited. For this reason, their new pastor suggests that the church try to purchase the land directly across the street.

Initially there is little enthusiasm for his suggestion. Undaunted, Reverend Miller presses on. Determining that the land is owned by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Reverend Miller and the congregation begin a long struggle— wading through the federal bureaucracy, as well as the racial bigotry of these times. His initial efforts end with rejection, from the lowest level of the Department’s hierarchy to the Secretary of Agriculture, who adamantly refuses to even consider the proposed sale.

Nevertheless, despite the bigotry and contempt he encounters, Reverend Miller moves forward by faith. Finally, Reverend Miller is led to the 5th District’s Congressional delegate—the honorable Lansdale G. Sasscer. Our esteemed Congressman agrees to meet with him—not in his office, but at the back door of his beautiful home in Upper Marlboro. Congressman Sasscer reluctantly agrees to help the church by introducing a private bill in Congress. The proposed bill authorizes the Department of Agriculture to lease the land to Queen’s Chapel. First introduced in 1946, it failed to pass. Introduced again in 1947, H.R. 2511/Private Law 107 passed both houses of Congress on July 30, 1947.

During the negotiations for the land, the congregation, while not certain of the outcome, actively continues its building campaign. Not able to obtain a conventional loan, various fundraising projects are undertaken to make the church’s vision a reality. A new project is initiated—Annual Homecoming. The event is spearheaded by Sis. Emily Conway and Sis. Louise G. Ross of the Women’s Society of Christian Service (now the United Methodist Women). The event becomes a tradition at Queen’s Chapel—one that we continue to celebrate. The first Annual Homecoming was held on November 7, 1948

On this special day, there were two services scheduled. Reverend Miller celebrated Holy Communion at 3:00, and, a former pastor, The Reverend Vivian T. Key (1935-1941) returned to bring the message at 6:00 p.m. On this special day families are asked to pledge to the building effort, so there is a special building fund offering. Between services, the ladies of the Women’s Society of Christian Service have devised a plan to serve a fellowship meal in the small, white wood-framed edifice.  There is no kitchen in which to prepare the meal—only a small choir room; no fellowship hall in which to serve the meal—only the sanctuary. So, the benches are moved to the sides, tables are placed in the center of the church, and the meal is served. Contributions for this Homecoming meal are provided by all the ministries of the church. The day is one of praise, worship and fellowship, and Queen’s Chapel’s vision draws one step closer.  

By 1949, the congregation managed to raise $5,000 and with no guarantee of additional resources, construction began on the brick edifice. Fundraising for the new church took many forms—conventional and the not so conventional—rallies, dinners, pageants, etc. Under the charismatic leadership of The Reverend Joseph Haskins (1953-1960), the cornerstone of the new church edifice was laid on September 19, 1953.

Over the next thirty years, Queen’s Chapel sees steady growth, and by 1985 it was evident that the congregation needed additional space. The Reverend Leon C. Kess, Jr. (1983-2000) was our pastor, and it is under his leadership that our vision for a new edifice began.  In 1987 the church purchased 5.5 acres from PEPCO; and in 1992 a building committee was established.  The theme for this new building project was “When God Gives a Vision”. Little did we know that the vision would be nearly twenty years in the making.

Under the leadership of The Reverend Dr. Bruce F. Haskins (2000-2007), on February 11, 2001, Queen’s Chapel moved its worship to Martin Luther King Middle School. On April 29, 2001, the Potomac Capital Investment (formally) donated land towards the expansion of the church cemetery and made a financial gift of $75,000 to Queen’s Chapel towards our building fund.

In 2002, the congregation decided to build the complex in phases, with the sanctuary as the first phase and in September, the Building Fund surpassed the $1 million-dollar mark. The pledge campaign continued, and in June a capital campaign feasibility study was conducted. At a special congregational meeting on July 23, 2003, the congregation considered four options for building the complex. It was decided to reduce the size of the sanctuary to reduce the overall cost of Phase I to $3.2 million dollars. After obtaining a loan package and celebrating a groundbreaking in 2004, the project faltered. In the ensuing years, the project moved slowly. 

On July 1, 2007, we welcomed and celebrated the appointment of The Reverend B. Kevin Smalls as our new pastor. Reverend Smalls received his call to ministry at the early age of fourteen. At that time, he promised God that he – “would live his life as one who would bring the joy of the Lord to His church and to His people.” Reverend Smalls brought to Queen’s Chapel a style of ministry that was both traditional and contemporary.  During his ministry, he became an instrument of active and positive change in the life of the church. He devoted considerable energy and focus to the young adult segment of our congregation, to strengthen and expand their spiritual growth, as well as to increase their participation in the life and ministries of the church. One significant change was the Radical Sunday worship experience.  Radical Sunday featured innovative, contemporary, and non-traditional praise in liturgy, music, and dance.

Early in 2009 a new architect—Skorpa Design Studio Architects—was selected to redesign the complex, and a building contractor—Trionfo Builders, Inc. was also chosen. With the able assistance of Generis Partners, LLC, the congregation began a three-year Lifestyle Stewardship Capital Campaign. The scriptural base for this endeavor came from 2 Samuel 24:24— “I will not offer to God that which costs me nothing.” Through prayer, fasting, and lifestyle change, the campaign challenges the congregation to aspire to a new level of faith, service, love, and sacrificial giving.

In October of the same year, construction began on the new Queen’s Chapel worship complex. Until a loan was secured, the church paid for the construction with its own resources. The church eventually secured a $3 million dollar loan from The Columbia Bank. Even with the loan, insufficient funding was an ongoing problem, forcing some items to be removed from the project.

Additional funding was secured from our lender resulting in a total loan package of $3.2 million. With the initial amount contributed by the church’s building fund, the total cost of the structure is $5.2 million. The church anticipated moving into the new structure at the beginning of 2011; however, problems with the parking lot, completion of other items, as well as finances delayed the final move. It was with tremendous joy on September 4, 2011, that the Queen’s Chapel congregation returned home to 7410 Old Muirkirk Road.  Attendance for that morning worship service numbered over 600 congregants. On October 16, Queen’s Chapel celebrated its 63rdAnnual Homecoming at its 10:30 a.m. service. At 4:00 p.m., under the leadership of our pastor and our District Superintendent, The Reverend Dr. Ianther M. Mills, the new Queen’s Chapel edifice was officially consecrated with much joy, gratitude, and thanksgiving.

It has been five years since that joyous occasion; much has happened within the life of the church—new ministries have been created, and long held traditions have been renewed. In June of 2016, after nine years with Queen’s Chapel, Reverend Smalls was appointed to Hope United Methodist Church in Southfield, MI in the Detroit Annual Conference. With his departure, The Reverend William E. Butler was appointed as our shepherd. An active duty Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserve, and an Army Chaplain, Reverend Butler and his wife Sonja Butler were received with great joy on July 3, 2016. 

Forged forward in faith, for 155 years, Queen's Chapel has stood steadfast as a beacon of light within the Beltsville community. From modest, obscure beginnings―seeking first the kingdom of God—Queen’s Chapel has reaped a bountiful harvest. The elders laid a sure foundation. Ours is a rich spiritual legacy, and as heirs of that legacy, like the elders we face our many challenges with steadfast faith. We give thanks, both for the journey of the past, but more importantly, for the journey which lies ahead. To God be the Glory!  


Queen’s Chapel has been blessed by the calling of God. We have had quite a few of our members accept that call and have pursued the ministry. We currently have a Senior Pastor, five Certified Lay Ministers, one Certified Lay Servant, two retired United Methodist pastors, and two pastors retired from other denominations available for prayer, counseling, spiritual support and Christian teaching. Please contact the church office at (301) 210-9038 to reach any of these members of our ministerial staff. As always, the Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. William E. Butler can be reached directly at (410) 937-0873 or drwillbutler49@yahoo.com.


In January 2022, the leadership structure of Queen’s Chapel changed from an Administrative Council to a Unified Leadership Board. This simplified model, while not addressed specifically by name, is permitted by the Book of Discipline (BOD) 247.2. Also, it is the preferred method of leadership in the Baltimore-Washington Conference (BWC) of the United Methodist Church.  Transition to the Unified Board leadership model was unanimously accepted by the church members and approved by the Conference District Superintendent during the October 2021 Church Conference.

Why the Change? This leadership model has been used for over 10 years by churches in this Conference. It is similar to the decision-making processes of successful corporations. This change was needed to fulfill our vision of becoming “Kingdom Focused and Disciple Strong.” It was determined that we needed to create an environment where our members could free up enough to have the opportunity to make a spiritual impact in both the community and the world.

Relationship between the Mission, the Unified Board and the Members of the church. The Organizational Chart on the next page shows the operational relationship between the various entities of the church. This is a fluid design and may change as we continue working under this form of leadership. There is also a ministerial relationship among the mission, the ministries and the board. The mission and vision are the driving forces behind what is accomplished at Queen’s Chapel. The successful operation of active ministries is critical for the church to execute the mission. Related ministries have been grouped into five Church in Action (CIA) teams.

Unified Board Design and Responsibilities. The board replaces members of the four administrative committees (SPRC, Finance, Trustees, Council) and serves as the decision-making body for programs, projects, financial commitments and ministry activities. Former committee members may continue to work in their specialty areas but will operate as a ministry or a team. Matters are brought to the attention of the board through the CIA. The Board meets quarterly, approximately 2 weeks before the quarterly Congregational Meeting. Board. Minutes from the board meetings can be made available to the congregation, upon request. Selected personnel matters (addressed formerly by SPRC) may be excluded from the general minutes. The Senior Pastor and the Lay Leader are permanent members of the board while assigned to Queen’s Chapel. All other members are limited to a three-year rotational term limit.

The Board is responsible for: 1) performing duties in accordance with the provisions of the BOD; 2) Ensuring church activities are performed in keeping with the Vision and Mission of the church; 3) Documenting the policies and procedures of the church;  4) Monitoring the revenue and expenses to ensure they are supported by the budget; and 5) Approving the continuations and/or start of QCUMC ministries.


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The person who serves in this volunteer position is assigned the responsibility of ensuring that all projects and events planned by the ministries in the individual CIAs meet the purpose and intent of the Queen’s Chapel mission and vision. This person reviews all event request forms and forwards them to the senior pastor for approval.


Queen’s Chapel has adapted principles described by Robert Schnase in his book, Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, in order to carry out our vision of Becoming Mission-Focused and Disciple-Strong.  We have grouped all of ministries into one of five teams based on the scope and purpose of the ministry. There is also an Administrative Support (AS) team which provides business-related support to all of the ministries. The CIA-aligned teams are: Gracious Hospitality (GH), Praise & Worship (PW), Biblical Faith Development FD), Outreach & Evangelism (OE), and Faithful Generosity (FG).

Each CIA team has an assigned coordinator. The coordinator of the Administrative Support team is the Unified Board Chairperson. The coordinators are responsible for ensuring projects and programs are executed in accordance with the guidelines established by the Unified Board. We strive to possess qualities that demonstrate that the members of QCUMC are spiritually focused to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Focusing on qualities that make us a vibrant, healthy church makes us a beacon in our community. We have aligned most of our ministries into one of these five categories and they are described as follows.


 “John Wesley and the early Methodists practiced hospitality in ways so radical in their day that many traditional church leaders found their activities offensive.” In Wesley’s day, he went from pillar to post preaching the gospel and everywhere he went, he invited people to Christ. Like the Wesleyans, Queen’s Chapel is a welcoming church. From the first time you arrive on the property, while you worship and commune with us, and until you leave you will feel welcomed. “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” (Matthew 18:5). The Queen’s Chapel ministries that are aligned under the Radical Hospitality CIA Team listed below:

Coordinator for Special Celebrations (GH01). The primary responsibility of the Special Celebrations Coordinator is to team with the sponsoring host work area chairperson to work under existing policies set by the Unified Board ensure that an approved celebration or church-wide event is successful. The coordinator may establish a team to assist him/her with executing the plans outlined by the hosting work area chairperson or designee to ensure that the church has a quality event. It is imperative that the Coordinator confers with the Trustees, the Committee on Finance and the Calendar Coordinator before any approved event is planned and/or advertised.

The Special Celebrations Coordinator generally has the responsibility for planning, coordinating and decorating  for the following major church celebrations, regardless of location:

  • Groundbreaking 
  • Ribbon-cutting 
  • Homecoming was 
  • Church and choir anniversaries 
  • Repast and dinners 
  • Receptions and conferences 
  • Other special celebrations that may be identified 

Additionally, the Special Celebrations Coordinator is responsible for decorating the church or alternate location on major holidays such as New Year’s, Thanksgiving, Christmas and others as identified. 

Culinary Team (GH02). The culinary team is responsible for food preparation in the kitchen. A member of this team must be present during all functions that require use of the kitchen. All ministries and teams that plan to use the kitchen must coordinate with the Coordinator for Special Celebrations. Approval to use the kitchen for any purpose is granted by the Senior Pastor. All persons wishing to become a member of the culinary team must be certified at the proper level.

Greeters (GH03). Greeters ensure that everyone who comes to Queen’s Chapel United Methodist Church, including members and non-members, feels welcome. Greeters welcome everyone to Sunday worship and other special services at Queen’s Chapel and help direct and assist those new to the church. Greeting all is an expression of the love of Jesus Christ. Visitors will want to feel they will be accepted, make friends, and fulfill their spiritual and family needs. Greeters serve as visible symbols of unconditional love.

Senior Ushers (GH04)

Junior Ushers (GH05).

Parking Lot Ministry (GH06). The members of the Parking Lot Ministry are responsible for ensuring that all policies and procedures regarding the operating and parking of vehicles are followed by anyone who accesses any of the church properties.


“To worship speaks of devotion to God, the practices that support honor and love of God. Passionate describes an intense desire, and ardent spirit, strong feelings, and the sense of heightened importance.” Not only do the members of Queen’s Chapel give you a warm welcome, you are invited to worship God in any way you choose. If you want to shout; shout. If you want to cry; cry. If you want to give a testimony, you can do that, too. Members and visitors are encouraged to be themselves in the house of the Lord. And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27. The ministries aligned under this CIA are:

Senior Pastor (PW01).

First Lady (PW02).

Ministerial Staff (PW03).

Prayer & Praise Ministry (PW04). This ministry is the exercise of faith and hope by trust and believing. By accepting the privilege of touching the heart of the Father through the Son of God, Jesus our Lord and Savior. Prayer is the place where pride is abandoned and supplication is made. Admitting our need for adopting humility and claiming dependence upon God our Lord and Jesus Christ.

Communion Stewards (PW05). The Communion Stewards served the elements for Holy Communion during the worship services. Communion Stewards prepare the (bread and juice) for the congregation to participate in Holy Communion. Stewards prepare the altar, as needed before communion services. In addition to setting up for communion, stewards also clean up after communion is served.

Music Ministry (PW06).

Sanctuary Choir (PW061) -

Combined Choir  (PW062) -

Male Chorus (PW063) -

Youth Choir (PW064) -

Soloists (PW065) -

Musicians (PW066)-          

Dance Ministry(PW07).

Healing Ministry (PW08).  The purpose of this Ministry is to help persons suffering or recovering from addiction. This ministry not only helps the members of QCUMC; but it also helps persons in our surrounding neighborhoods and communities who are in dire need of healing. There are two target audiences: 1) individuals with chemical or substance addiction, and 2) persons with less obvious addictions who  try to relieve emotional pain, such as gambling, playing video games, watching porn, overeating, sex, internet, self- abuse and/or self-mutilation.

Hands of Praise Deaf Ministry (PW09). Commonly just called “Hands of Praise,” this ministry was established in 2002 by founder Myra Barbour. The members have knowledge of sign language and are committed to using this talent in the worship experience. They are responsible for fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment  for the deaf and hard of hearing within the community of faith at Queens Chapel.  They also spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and give God praise, honor and glory using language of sign. They also teach other hearing parishioners at Queens Chapel American Sign Language so they may join the ministry and serve to the glory of God in this way.


The pastors and leaders of Queen’s Chapel firmly believe in studying the word of God. Developing our faith must be continual and intentional. From Sunday School, multiple Bible Studies,  small groups and conference-like training. We recognize that like many things, faith does not come easy. We must be committed to learning the Word of God.  “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayers.” Acts 2:42. The ministries in this CIA are:

Christian Education (FD01).

Youth Church School (FD011) -

Confirmation (FD012) -

Vacation Bible School  (FD013) -

Adult Church School (FD014) -

Men’s Bible Study (FD02).

Women’s Lifestyle Bible Study (FD03).

Congregational Bible Study (FD04).

Children’s Ministry (FD05).

Youth Ministry (FD06).

Young Adult Ministry (FD07).

Adult Ministry (FD08)

Older Adult Ministry (FD09).

Faith Circles (FD10).  The purpose of this ministry is to assist the pastor with ongoing outreach and nurture endeavors by maintaining regular contact with both members and non-members who have an affiliation with QCUMC. This ministry will not replace any existing QCUMC ministry; but, instead will complement the missions of the Membership Secretary and the Outreach Ministry.


This can also be referred to as “mission work.” Mission initiatives change lives. The primary purpose of Queen’s Chapel’s existence is to make a positive difference in people’s lives and to create an environment whereby they feel compelled to seek and follow Christ.  This is so critical that without this competent, the church is not fulfilling its purpose and for all intents and purposes is considered dead. We have welcomed the community through our Radical Hospitality. We have inspired them by allowing a fire to burn in their soul through Passionate Worship. We have encouraged them to get deep into the Word in order to establish a personal relationship with God through Intentional Faith Development. It is here in Outreach and Evangelism that our members are now equipped to go out and make disciples of men. “But love your enemies, do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. Your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. (Luke 6:35-36). The ministries in this CIA are:

Outreach Ministry (OE01). The Outreach team oversees the outreach ministries and helps to support and connect individuals in activities and advocacy that serves those in our community and world, who need food, clothing, health care, shelter, safety, justice, and love.

Hearts & Homes Partnership (OE02). Hearts & Homes (H&H) is a non-profit organization that provides temporary housing for at-risk youth. In 2023, Queen’s Chapel United Methodist Church (QCUMC) prayerfully decided to partner with one (1) home that houses approximately six (6) to eight (8) young men. Most of the young men are school-aged, but they could be up to 20 years old. The home is located in Laurel MD.  The liaison for H&H serves as the “champion” for this partnership and will be the primary contact person to receive requests from H&H and will also coordinate labor support for their requests. 

Knit & Crochet Ministry (OE03).

Homeless Ministry (OE04).

Thanks4Giving (OE05). Thanks4Giving is a program that was established under a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization called Neighbor Helping Neighbor! They are a group of volunteers working together to help meet our community’s need for food, shelter, utilities, rent/mortgage assistance and other safety-net services. It also advocates for needed services to establish approaches and programs that will elevate the quality of life and independence in the southern Prince George’s and northern Charles County communities.  The Queen’s Chapel Thanks4giving  ministry  is active only during the winter months. It operates under the Neighbor Helping Neighbor! “Winter Haven”  program. They help prepare  dinners for whatever church or facility is hosting the homeless. The participants are housed overnight from 7pm to 7am. The QCUMC Thanks4Giving ministry also prepares bag lunches for the homeless to take with them when they leave the location the next morning. Be it men or women, some locations host both genders on the same night. Members of this ministry try to provide socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, hand soap, personal-sized sanitizers, etc. in the bags. A permanent shelter is being built. Once it’s complete, the mission of the Queen’s Chapel UMC Thanks4Giving Ministry will change, somewhat.

Adopt-a-School Program (OE06).

Health & Wellness Team (OE07).To equip our congregation and community with resources and the proper tools to foster a better understanding of all aspects of a healthy physical and mental being.

Scholarship Team (OE08). The Scholarship Ministry is dedicated to promoting and encouraging the educational pursuits and goals of students by providing financial support to enhance their God-given talents to better impact the church community and the world. This ministry generates funds to assist graduating seniors and continuing education students to fulfill their career dreams while maintaining  spiritual growth during their Christian journey. With the combined spiritual and educational growth of the students, they will be better equipped to become kingdom-focused adults who will have overwhelming impacts within the communities in which they live and the world. Our guiding scripture is: “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good work and glorify your father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (NKJV).

Activities Coalition for Younger Members (OE09).

Life Recovery Program (OE10)

GriefShare (OE11).

Benevolence Ministry (OE12). This ministry is charged with setting the guidelines and criteria for assisting those in need. The decisions are made in accordance with the mandates of Scripture and The Holy Spirit. Funds come from the blessings that. The Lord has given. The ministry is charged with being good stewards of God’s money that was given by people living obedient, disciplined lives for the support of those in need of emergency assistance. As a church, we are concerned about the spiritual and emotional needs, as well as the physical needs of our members and surrounding community.


Stewardship (EG01).

Endowments (EG02).

Grants (EG03).


Trustees (AS01). The mission of the Queen's Chapel UMC Board of Trustees is to actively Worship God's Word in the Bible, supervise and maintain all property belonging to the Church so that the ministries of the church can be effective.  The trustees work closely with the Unified Board and respond to God's Call through sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all the people, both churched and unchurched. The trustees together have several legal and administrative functions. They are required to:

  • oversee, maintain, and supervise all local church property;
  • report annually to the church conference on the state of the church’s property,
  • equipment, investments, and resources;
  • receive and administer all gifts made to the congregation; make certain that all trust funds of the congregation are invested properly;
  • ensure that the articles of incorporation of the congregation are kept up to date, if applicable;
  • be responsible, in conjunction with the pastor, for all use of the church buildings and grounds;
  • maintain adequate insurance coverage on all church property and develop appropriate risk management policies;
  • submit to the committee on finance the annual budget requests for insurance, property maintenance and improvement, and new property purchases;
  • be accountable to the charge conference and to the church council.

Much of the work of the trustees is governed by specific requirements outlined in the Book of Discipline.

Committee on Finance (AS02). The Committee on Finance proposes a budget; then raises, manages, and distributes the financial resources of the congregation to support and strengthen the mission and ministry of the congregation.

Chairperson Committee on Finance (AS021) The Chairperson of the Committee on Finance works with the leadership and other ministry leaders to fulfill the mission of the church. The chairperson works with the trustees to handle designated gifts and bequests in accordance with The Book of Discipline. This person guides the work of the team through the year, including planning agendas and presiding at meetings. This leader obtains all budget requests to be reviewed by the committee, ensure that the congregation and pastor(s) are informed about the church’s financial situation, and recommend to the Unified Board any changes that need to be made in the budget after it has been approved. The chairperson is a member of  and accountable to the unified board.

Treasurer (AS022) The treasurer disburses all money contributed to causes represented in the local church budget, and such other funds and contributions as the Unified Board may determine. The treasurer makes regular and detailed reports on funds received and expended to the committee on finance and the unified board.

Assistant Treasurer (AS023) The assistant treasurer is responsible for payroll and serves as a back-up to the treasurer when needed.

Financial Secretary (AS024) The financial secretary carries out several important responsibilities in addition to serving as a member of the finance committee. The financial secretary is responsible for maintaining all records of funds collected. The financial secretary uses this information to keep the Committee on Finance aware of the church's financial standing and assists the committee in planning for expenditures and donations. The United Methodist Church also uses the finance secretary to keep track of members' donations to make note of members who may be in financial distress and in need of assistance.

Counters (AS0241) Counters are assigned by and report to the Financal Secretary and the Chairperson of the Committee on Finance. They are responsible for counting and recording receipts during worship services and other events.

Unified Board (AS03).  [See Unified Board description above].

Membership Secretary (AS04). The Membership Secretary is assigned by the Nominations Team. This person works with the pastor to keep accurate records for all membership rolls (baptized members, professing members, constituents, people removed from the roll of professing members, people removed from the roll of baptized members), reporting annually to the charge conference. This person maintains a list of members received and those to be removed from the rolls. The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church defines categories of membership and the process for removal of members. This person is accountable to the church conference through the unified board.

This person understands and maintains the membership records, helps conduct the annual membership audit and provides an annual report of members attending colleges and universities. The membership secretary is named at the church conference. This person reports at least annually to the unified board.

Church in Action (CIA) Liaison (AS05) [See the CIA description above.]

Historian (AS06). The role of the Church Historian and the Committee on Records and History is charged with helping the congregation of Queen’s Chapel United Methodist Church (QCUMC) document its historical identity by keeping its records in an orderly fashion so that it may preserve and build on its heritage. The historian and the Committee on Records and History shall work with the Board of Trustees to establish and maintain an Archive and History Center on the church premises. The Church Historian also serves as a resource to the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church in helping them understand the history and heritage of QCUMC.

Administrative Assistant (AS07) -

Office Volunteers (AS071) -

Communications and Public Engagement Team (AS08). The Communications and Public Relations team provides appropriate advertisement of church and ministry events and activities. All ministries and work areas requesting advertising are required to ensure that program planners are completed with all details four weeks in advance of the activity, so that the team can be properly equipped with the necessary information to appropriately advertise the event/activity to the public. Work areas under Communications and Public Relations are:

Communications Director (AS081) organizes and coordinates the activities of all persons who distribute and/or post information on behalf of Queen’s Chapel United Methodist Church (QCUMC). This person insures there is consistency between all sources of information and assures the QCUMC “brand” is maintained on all platforms.

Website Manager (AS082) The mission for our church website is to spread the word of God by providing easy access to relevant information for members and visitors near and far. The mission of this ministry aligns with our vision of “Becoming Kingdom-focused and Disciple-Strong” by providing easy access to our Bible Study classes and Bible Study Notes. Visitors are able to watch the Sunday Morning Service, view Sermon Notes, Donate/Give offerings, commit to join the church, and stay connected and updated through the Calendar, Announcements and Events, Suggestions, Membership updates, and Prayer Requests. This ministry strives to follow the teachings of Matthew 7:13–14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Website Contractor (AS0821) - Provides support to the team by managing the qcumc.org website content.

Website Art & Content Coordinator (AS0822) Prepares slides, presentations and artwork in Canva. Artwork is used on the website and the Sunday church announcements, when needed.

Newsletter Coordinator (AS0823) Gathers information and announcements and electronically posts the information on a monthly basis on the website, by email and prepares a limited number of printed copies.

Facebook Manager (AS0824) - Provides an alternative venue for information, pictures and announcements.

Instagram Manager (AS0825) - Provides an alternative venue for information, pictures and announcements.

Church Calendar Manager (AS0826) - Prepares a consolidated point of general information for meetings and other events in the life of the church.

Daily Devotional Distributor (AS0827) Provides an informal source of scripture, inspiration and prayer that is sent to anyone who wishes to be on the (text) distribution list.

Media Ministry Team (AS083)  – Provides media and streaming services. 

Nominations & Leadership Development Team (AS09). The purpose of this team is to identify, develop, deploy, evaluate, and monitor Christian spiritual leadership for the local congregation. Members of the team  shall engage in and be attentive to developing and enhancing their own Christian spiritual life in light of the mission of the Church. In conducting its work, the committee engages in biblical and theological reflections on the mission of the church, the primary task, and ministries of the local church. It provides a means of identifying the spiritual gifts and abilities of the membership. The committee shall work with the Unified Board, to determine the diverse ministry tasks of the congregation and the skills needed for leadership.

The team  serves throughout the year to guide the Unified Board on matters regarding the leadership (other than employed staff) of the congregation so as to focus on mission and ministry as the context for service; guide the development and training of spiritual leaders; recruit, nurture, and support spiritual leaders; and assist the Church Council, or alternative structure, in assessing the changing leadership needs.

The team recommends to the Church Conference, at its annual session, the names of people to serve as officers and leaders of designated ministries of the Unified Board required for the work of the church and as the law of the church requires or as the Church Conference deems necessary to its work.

Lloyd Payne Photography Ministry (AS10). The mission of the Lloyd Payne Photography Ministry is to visually document the church work, programs and events of the  all ministries of Queen’s Chapel. The Lloyd Payne Photography Ministry was approved by the Queen’s Chapel Administrative Board in 2013 and is named in honor of the church’s original photographer, Mr. Lloyd Payne (1925-2018). Mr. Payne served as Queen’s Chapel’s photographer from 1954 until he began to lose his eyesight; photographing every special celebration and major activities occurring at church.   In the true spirit of giving, Mr. Payne never charged QC for his services.  In his honor, this tradition continues.

Coordinator for Strategic Support and Innovative Processes (AS11). This is a volunteer position that is responsible for identifying opportunities for improvement with regards to the processes and operational methods of the church. This person also provides technical support to Information  Technology (IT) – related processes. In addition to developing strategic solutions and identifying process improvements for QCUMC,  this person also performs the following duties:

  • Serve as PowerChurch Administrator
  • Populate archived member information in PowerChurch
  • Serve as Zoom Administrator
  • Assists the membership team with research and preparation of Ad Hoc Membership Statistical Reports
  • Participate in the Annual Statistical Report process for the BWC, when needed;
  • Serve as the leader of an administrative support team called the “Q-Team.”

Coordinator for Information Technology (AS12). This is a stand-alone position that reports directly to Rev. Butler. This person will define and document the overall IT infrastructure at Queen’s Chapel.  He or she must derive a complete understanding of the church’s technology needs, assets, and capabilities. To accomplish this task, the Project Coordinator must communicate with members of the congregation who utilize the hardware and software, contractors who provide goods and services and staff and ministry leaders whose functions rely on the capabilities provided. The goal of this position is to create a singular document that provides a comprehensive overview of Queen’s Chapel’s IT products, services and functionality.

Staff Parish Support Team (AS13). The Staff/Pastor-Parish Relations Support Team (SPRT)  reflects biblically and theologically on the role and work of the Pastor(s) and staff in assessing their gifts and setting priorities for leadership and service. It is the responsibility of the committee to communicate with the Committee on Lay Leadership and/or the Unified Board when there is a need for other leaders or for employed staff to perform in areas where utilization of the gifts of the Pastor(s) and staff proves an inappropriate stewardship of time. People serving on this committee must be engaged in and attentive to their Christian spiritual development so as to give proper leadership in the responsibilities with which the committee is entrusted. In conducting its work, the committee shall identify and clarify the values for ministry. It shall engage in biblical and theological reflections on the mission of the church, the primary task, and ministries of QCUMC.


United Women in Faith. Driven by God's love and united in sisterhood our mission is to improve the lives of women, children and youth.

United Methodist Men. The United Methodist Men are a creative, supportive fellowship of men who seek to know Jesus Christ, to grow spiritually and to seek daily his will. The primary purpose is to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and in all their relationships.

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